Monday, March 07, 2005

Quotidian matters

One of my favorite new words--quotidian--everyday, commonplace. I have busied myself this morning with quotidian matters:

Folding laundry. When did that start? Who first decided that towels, washcloths and cuptowels had to be folded and stacked neatly? Wonder how far back that goes? At any rate, there is something quieting about folding laundry: The wonderful smell of clean clothes, the sense of accomplishment when it is all folded and put up. Plus the added benefit that when visitors open your linen closet or kitchen drawer, they think you are a good housekeeper!

Anyone with the slightest obsessive tendency should not buy a glass-topped table. There is always a fingerprint or mark that needs taking off. Even if no one has been near the table in 3 days. But when it is pristine and shining, it is a thing of beauty.

By the way, Brandon first mentioned my obsessive tendency when he noticed that I had all the drinks in the frig lined up like soldiers marching off to battle--all the milks, the juices, the waters, and colas were sitting one behind the other in straight lines on the shelf. Only children mention those traits. Friends are too polite to tell you.

I can't help it; were we not told to do things in decency and order?

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