Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Creativity and Play

Children's author James Howe has said,"My greatest worry for children today is that they are losing the capacity to play; to create a city out of blocks, to find a world in a backyard, to dream an adventure on a rainy afternoon."

I got to babysit last night while BST and Sheryl had a date night. I watched Maddie create a tumble-gym on the den floor out of couch pillows and soft coverlets. And she and Ella had the time of their lives sliding, rolling and jumping. It was so fun. Of course Maddie was in charge, but Ella gleefully went along with everything, copying Maddie's every move.

Play is so programmed today with packaging and scripts about what the child is to do with the toy. I don't remember anyone telling me what to do with my doll and doll bed. Or telliing my brothers what to do with their cowboy guns and holsters.

I am thinkful that Brandon and Sheryl are encouraging free play with open-ended toys. And by the way, my bias is showing when I peruse the Leapfrog shelves which fill toy shelves today. Just expensive video games are they. Prefer school with real learning and a teacher who knows what to do the knowledge. The demise of recess also raises my bile. Now we must all have planned activities. I remember sitting in the corner of Hamlin Elementary School playing "Jacks" on the concrete porch with friends for what seemed like a long time each day. Hmmm Eye-Hand coordination? Sharing? Building Friendship? Now I am beginning to sound like an old curmudgeon.

For a good feeling, go somewhere and watch children invent their own fun today.

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