Monday, January 17, 2005

We are the body of Christ

As I heard about the automobile accident in which our Highland teens were involved, I couldn't help but think of Paul's writing about the body in I. Cor. 12--especially vs. 26: "if one part suffers, every part suffers with it...." As the news began to unfold, my stomach knotted, and I began to pray with tearful intensity.
At first I heard that Chris Cope was among the most greviously injured--he was injured, but will be fine, I think. And I couldn't help but think what Mike and Diane were going through emotionally. And to know that a carload of kids were behind the vehicle which flipped and watched the whole thing----.

I am so woefully sorry about Brody Bourland, the 11-year-old who died at the scene. Someone once said that when we choose to be parents, we choose to forever have our hearts walking outside our bodies. Lord, bless the Bourland family as they cope with this terrible loss. And be with the other families of the physically and emotionally injured; bless them to heal quickly thanking you for prolonged life and blessings. Please bless my friends Mike and Diane and help Chris's lungs to heal perfectly.

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