Sunday, January 30, 2005

Signing up

Today I officially became a member of the Otter Creek Church. It is an interesting process of introspection to check off the ministries I would like to become a part of in a new church.

Do I rely on the things I have done before other places or do I stretch myself a bit to tackle things I have never done before (no, Lord, not the sewing ministry!).

How much do I indicate I am willing to do? Knowing so little about people and their eccentricities makes it hard to decide whether to work with them closely in the Lord's work.

How much can I contribute to the building fund? I still owe money for the As He Leads campaign at Highland.

How much can I tidy myself up and still be credible as I indicate what I am interested in doing? Nope, no tidying up--I need to be the real me.

All in all, it was an exercise in knowing myself and finding that I am a fairly atypical c of c female--not interesting the sewing, showers or luncheons ministies; not interested in the children's or teens ministries (although I believe in them mightly!!!) Really not interested in the women's ministries, except to teach. Finding myself checking serving communion, leading prayer, adding reading scripture and communion thoughts to the checklist--I MISS SERVING ON THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE!!!
There is not one listed.

But the deed is done, and I will see what the Lord turns up.

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