Friday, September 24, 2004

Daily Bread

"The Israelites ate manna forty years...until they reached the border of Canaan. Ex. 16:35

It didn't take long for the Israelites to begin to complain. It took them about 45 days. "(In Egypt)...we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted." Exodus 16:3. So God sent manna and quail which they ate for the next 40 years.

Can you imagine eating the same thing for 14,600 days (40 years)? They knew that God was taking them to a land flowing with milk and honey and they began to complain to the One who had brought them out of SLAVERY. Contemporary Christians would not stand for it either. We demand more variety in our food and in our church life. I think we would begin to complain sooner--like the next day.

I was stricken last night as I opened the one bag of groceries I had just bought at United ($60 for ONE bag). I glanced over at the evening news and saw a man crying in Haiti which surely must be the most miserable place on earth right now. The poorest land in the continent devasted by the hurricane, no food, bodies in the streets, 1000 people still missing......

Father, give us today our daily bread and help us to be truly thankful for it! Bless the people of Haiti and those who are helping them--brush the tears from their eyes and give them food, rest, and a sense of your love.

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