Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Amazement and wonder

"People were overwhelmed with amazement." Mark 7:37

Max Lucado has said,"The most valuable thing a Christian has is the edge of amazement on which he(she)stands." How long has it been since you felt amazement at the Son of God? or at the wonders of God? Or has the miracle become the mundane for you?

Read the gospel of Mark. Amazement is mentioned at least 12 times there. In Acts the people continue to be utterly amazed...amazed and perplexed...to have wonder and amazement at what had happened. One of my favorite preachers, Mike Lewis, once said "Without a sense of wonder, our routines will kill us." My spiritual formation group is reading Receiving the Day; Christian Practices for Opening the Gift of Time by Dorothy Bass. I read today, "Amazement and festivity are hard to come by in a society that sets its sight intently on productivity."

As we were leaving our rooms for dinner, the women at the Highland women's retreat were wooed away from our trek to eat by a gorgeous double rainbow above our heads. What a reminder of God's promise!

Life should not be just a quest for productivity, but a celebration of life, love and wonder. Stop, Look, and be amazed today!

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