Saturday, April 23, 2005

We Are On the Take

Maybe we noncontributing members can be found sitting in pews and chairs all over the church building forever taking, taking, taking and never contributing.

Recently a group of three knocked on my door. They are beginning a new church in Antioch, and were gathering info about the community. One of the questions they asked was "Who do you think is the most underserved in churches today--children, youth or the elderly?"

I replied they are all overserved (using hyperbole, of course). I said if you are looking for a population to serve, go to the poor and underprivileged. ( I am taking Jerry and Sandra Collins' lessons on the minor prophets to heart.)

Are we overserved? Do we go the the meetings of the body seeking what we can get or give? What do we say about the worship, the sermon, the activities of the church? "That didn't do much for me." "I wish THEY would...." "The preacher, the other ministers, the elders, etc. don't even know my name." "Nobody in the church would know if I left this church." DUH

O, Lord, give us the discernment to discover the important things in our life with you and the courage to run the race required.

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