Friday, April 29, 2005

Lilacs and gardenias

I am anxious to plant a lilac bush in my yard. Lilacs have been a part of my life since childhood. We had a big bush in Hamlin until the 50's drought and the prohibition of watering killed it. Those were the days when water was brought in on trucks for the city, and when we bathed in a bathtub using the same water--yuck--maybe that is why I prefer showers today.

We had one at Potosi, and I always enjoyed cutting and bring the blooms in for a lovely smell in the house.

My date gave me a gardenia for the Senior Dinner in Hamlin (no proms then), and I have loved the scent ever since. I understand both flowers grow well in Nashville. If it ever stops raining, I plan to go to the nursery and see what I can find.

Hasn't God blessed us with a world full of wonderful smells?

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