Friday, April 01, 2005


I have just started to read a book called Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation by Cokie Roberts. In the introduction, Roberts speaks of the importance of the stories her mother told her about a famous ancestor, William Claiborne who in the late 1700's was the sole representative to Congress from Tennessee. Of course, Roberts is now a political commentator for ABC. She writes about the dearth of information about those early women who stood behind the giants who formed our country because they did not write down much, or what they wrote was not saved. Abigal Adams was the most prolific writer of the day, but she asked her husband John to burn her letters and other correspondence. Fortunately, he refused, and we know more about her and him than most of the Revolutionary group.

When I began this blog, I stated my goal was to preserve some of my life for Maddie and Ella--and I hope that my writings will be fun for them to read in 30-40 years.
I want them to know their grandmother and her philosophy of life, to know what she was thinking and what she was passionate about.

However, I have realized that I am not telling enough stories--so every now and then from now on there will be a random story for them.

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