Thursday, February 03, 2005

All the stories in the world

I think Maddie is going to be a librarian--Tuesday we were trying to get her to tell us the story of The Three Bears (which she can do) and she said, "I can't, but the book is upstairs; I will go get it." Just like the librarian would say.

Last week Kim and I took the girls to the wonderful public library here to see a puppet show about Anansi the Spider. In this story, Anansi is tired of being a trickster and wants to be a storyteller. He asks the Lion King for "all the stories in the world."

This morning I walked into my very favorite bookstore Davis-Kidd and felt like Anansi--I wanted all the stories in the world too. This store really knows how to merchandise--and the personnel (is that plural or singular?) know books. Anything bookish you would desire (Even a Harry Potter neck scarf) wonderful games, puzzles, book ends, etc. can be found there. From now on, I am requesting Davis Kidd gift cards for all birthdays and holidays.

"In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but how many can get through to you." Mortimer J. Adler

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