Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tithing Our Time

In his terrific series on time, Tim suggested Sunday that perhaps Christians needed to tithe their time, just like they do their money (you do tithe your money, don't you?).

I have been thinking all week about what that would look like. Taking out times to eat each day that leaves about 8 hours of daylight for the retired one. Let's see, a tithe of that would be about 48 minutes a day. How would I spend that time for God? That is not really much time.

Suggestions to myself:

1. Pick a book or topic and study it (I'm enjoying a study of finding God in unexpected places right now.)
2. Read the Bible--Love reading Psalms!
3. Read an inspirational book--I have a new book by Joan Chittister called Listen with the Heart, Sacred Moments in Everyday Life. It is so good!
4. Enjoy Advent--we will begin celebrating it tonight at Vespers. Beth Richardson has a new devotional book Child of the Light, Walking Through Advent and Christmas that I recommend (put out by the Upper Room Press.) If you do not get their catalog, you are missing some jewels.
5. Pray--when have I ever prayed for 48 minutes straight?
6. Serve others.
7. Spend time in solitude thinking about God and his blessings.
8. Listen to inspirational music--not doing anything else. That way the lyrics come forward.
That is pretty easy to do these days when two of Nashville's stations are playing non-stop Christmas music.

What a delightful 48 minutes those would be.

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