Sunday, November 11, 2007


I went to the post office in Nolensville yesterday. The town was lining up the Veteran's Day Parade across the street. It was fun to watch the little vignettes:

The high school band was warming up with the brass showing off as usual. Lots of kids were sitting on flatbed trailers waiting. Boy Scouts in uniform were tucking in shirts. Mothers were fluffing the hair of their little girls in the dance club (or ballet class?). An old man sat in a vintage car labeled D-Day Veteran. The sheriff was there with his paunch and star. Horses patrolled the street--some wearing more silver than Uncle Sam. Beautiful vintage cars were joining the procession--saw one tomato colored 30's Chevy that was really sleek. Insurance salesmen with appropriate signs on their cars were carrying beautiful girls in convertables. Flags were flying in the breeze. Old vets holding little American flags sat on a trailer.. I felt like saying the pledge of allegiance.

It made me a little homesick for those days when we left Brandon off at the gathering place and then took our spot on Pine Street waiting for the Wylie Band to make its appearance in the parade. However, I think that parade was most always the West Texas Fair Parade.

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