Sunday, December 02, 2007

Seasons of Love and Time

I love it when everything comes together in a unified whole. Today at Otter, we stressed Ecc. 3 and the season passage with a beautiful choral reading by 2 men and 2 women.

At one point in the service, a group of excellent singers shared "Seasons of Love" from Rent. I had never realized how well the lyrics of this song fit a spiritual context. In introducing the song, Brandon said that the characters in the musical had no hope, had no compass, but we as Christians have our compass--Love-- in capital letters.

Tim expounded on the verses 3-8 by pointing out what a different concept the Biblical people had of time than we do. Theirs revolved around God and his purposes in their lives--our concept revolves around anything but that. That is one reason we do not practice Sabbath and one reason God does not flow through our minutes and days.

In his latest pastoral letter from Renovare Richard Foster writes as he quotes Isaiah 55:8 (My ways are not your ways) "Our ways are the ways of noise and hurry and crowds. Our ways are the ways of climb and push and shove. Our ways are the ways of instant knowledge and instant gratification....God's ways are like the rain and snow that come down disappearing into the earth. No rush. No fanfare. No manipulation. Then when the time is right, up comes the life,'giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater.' (Isa. 55:10). That is God's way."

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