Monday, July 09, 2007

Devoted Disciples

Listening to Randy Harris is one of my favorite things. One day last week he spoke about how people would look if they were true devoted disciples of Christ:

1. They would be people of peace--peace inside, peace with others and peacemakers in the world. We must also teach our children to be peacemakers.

2. They are fearless--willing to take risks. They are more interested in being faithful than in being safe. They have learned that when they walk out on a limb, God will be there. In the comfortable middle, we really rely only on our own resources.

3. They are deliciously joyful--joy which comes from knowing that God loves them unconditionally just the way they are. (how often we need that affirmation and encouragement--although I have heard it a 100 times, I still teared up when Randy said that). He went on to say that God loves us "relentlessly".

4. True devotees of Jesus are humble people. We need to lighten up and get rid of our pompous know-it-all attitude.

5. They know that God is love. And thus, they need to be a people of love.

6. They are people who take holiness seriously--get better at being good and being separate. Separate from the values of our world. Materialists are not taking holiness seriously.

Randy also said that according to a poll by David Olsen the actual number of American people who are in church is today about 17.8%. When our grandchildren grow up, the number will probably be only 10%. I can see our grandchildren being converted by missionaries from Africa or China.

Have you grown any spiritually in the last 20 years? I think we all have a lot of work to do, so that this secular world does not completely overpower us.

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