Monday, August 02, 2004

What have you taught lately?

I was troubled yesterday when I couldn't think of some contemporary women as role models for girls. So I went online for the Gallup poll of the most admired women of 2003. The top three were Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Laura Bush. Following were Condolezza Rice, Barbara Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth II, Madeleine Albright, Nancy Reagan and Elizabeth Dole. Interesting that all but one have political connections. Are they the role models we want for our little girls? While I do admire some on the list, it has struck me that we must be coming up with a better list for our growing children.-----Parents, who are you talking about? Preachers, Bible School teachers, youth ministers, how often do you teach about worthy women of God? Or do you leave that study to the Ladies Bible Class while your daughters study highlights of the journeys of Paul? How often have you taught about Mary in December? Or Esther during the political season? Or Lydia and Priscilla when you talk about church planting? Or Phoebe when you teach about service? How many times have you talked about your wonderful elders without mentioning their wives and other godly women in your church? How many times have you highlighted the women in Romans 16 in your teaching?-----I truly believe that those of us who teach will someday be held accountable for teaching our girls that the church and religion have only a male face. Oh, Lord, help us to value and honor the roles of men and women of God. And help us to introduce them to our girls and boys in winning and provocative stories.

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