Monday, August 16, 2004

What do you say?

A young ACU student was killed in a car wreck this weekend. Although I did not know her, she was the roommate of a friend-----What do you say? The pain of death and loss is so severe, there are no words--only empathy. There are no heroic deeds to be done--warm hugs suffice. -----Elizabeth Kubler-Ross says in her latest book Life Lessons "When we face the worst that can happen in any situation, we grow" and we begin to realize that "love is all that matters." She continues, "When circumstances are at their worst, we can find our best and we can live life profoundly."----I pray that Cheryl's family and friends will find comfort in the knowledge of their love for her and in the hope of seeing her again in heaven where all the whys will be answered and all the hurt will be healed.

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