Monday, June 14, 2004

The White Glove Tradition

I asked my mother as she approached death what she would have done differently in her life. She replied, "I would have dusted less and played more." What a confession from a woman who followed faithfully the "white glove" tradition of her mother!

I can't really say I have followed the tradition--I usually clean house when I know I am having company. If someone comes unexpectedly, low lights and candles forgive sins of omission and commission. I have a friend who quoted an aunt, "If you are coming to see me, come anytime. If you are coming to see my house, give me three days." That is a great philosophy.

Guilt sometimes brings cleaning frenzies. During those times, the smell of Windex and furniture polish are elixirs. I don't like to clean. I like to HAVE cleaned.

Although I know that reading a book is so much better for my soul, I am still having trouble getting the "Martha" out of my genes.

Lord, help me know what is truly important.

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