Monday, June 21, 2004

Global warming

Jesus was not a member of Greenpeace or the Sierra Club. He did, however, talk about the birds of the air, the lilies of the field, grapes, figs, weeds, planting and harvests.He did acknowledge his environment.

I saw The Day After Tomorrow last week. It was chilling in more ways than one. The implications of global warming have been batted around for decades. I never thought much about it until I saw this movie about the changes of our climate brought on by global warming, the melting of the polar ice cap and the attendant changes in the ocean currents. Although the movie has been denigrated as a typical disaster movie, it does give one pause to think, "What am I doing to this beautiful world created by God "who has made everything beautiful in its own time". Ecc. 3:11. What am I doing to preserve it for my grandchildren?"

Dear Father, help us to appreciate and treasure the beauty of the earth whether we live in West Texas or the mountains of Colorado.

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