Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The Levitical Brick Wall

True confession:

I have never read the Bible straight through. Beginning with
good intentions each January, I always run into the brick wall of Leviticus and skip on the the Psalms and the New Testament.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, "The Word of God should never stop sounding in your ears and working in you all day long." I realize that a large portion of the Word has not had the
occasion to work on me.

There is really no excuse. I remember Rick Atchley saying in a
sermon, "When Obadiah comes up to you in heaven and says, 'How did you like my book? what will you say?" I will just say,
"Sorry, Obadiah, all those threats....and sorry, Moses all those sacrifices, all those laws, all those numbers..."

Lord, help me in my quest to read all of your Word and, more importantly, to have it sounding in my ears and working on my heart each day.

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