Thursday, June 10, 2004

Just call me "grandma"

In reference to the earlier "barn swallow" blog, I am now the "grandmother" of 4 baby swallows in that dirty mud nest on my front porch. Since the nest is only three feet from my window, I can see every little beak and neck. The furry birds are very crowded and in danger of either falling or being pushed out. All mouths and necks, they drape over the edge of the nest waiting for a dropped insect from Mom and Pop.

I wish my Maddie and Ella were here to watch the birds being fed. When a parent flies in, necks pop up and mouths open in unison, even though only one bird is fed at a time. Mom and Pop are busy scouring the countryside for delicacies which they provide to the babies every other minute. Talk about a feeding schedule!

The bucolic family scene makes me homesick for my "real" grandchildren. So watch for me girls--I'll be flying in soon with delicacies (Shrek M and M's).

Thank you Lord for the wonder of life on all levels. May we never stop being overwhelmed by your creations!

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