Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's Back....

One day down and 179 to go. School started yesterday for 250,000 kids in the Metro area. The smell of crayons, floor polish, and cafeteria food revisits the memory of those of us who have left the building, but not the profession. (One never retires from being a teacher!) It was a big day for the kindergarten set and the seniors and their folks. Some schools had "boo-hoo breakfasts" for the parents after they had dropped their chick off in the classroom. I remember the day Brandon rode off to kindergarten with Sam in his blue truck where Mrs. Baxter had charge of the red-haired boy we so loved. He kept her days interesting, and she was masterful in her care of him, so all had a good year at Bowie Elementary School in Abilene, Texas. I think I was still at Madison Middle School at that time pushing books to reluctant adolescents. Good years! Congratulations to all children who began school yesterday. May you have teachers who love you, who love to teach, and who are competent in all areas. (It never hurts to wish.)

I know fall is not far behind. Two sets of geese in perfect "V's" flew honkingly south over my house yesterday.

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