Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Tom Brokaw

As Mike has done today, I too must write about Tom Brokaw retiring. I was a mere babe of 28 when I first began watching him. My day is not complete unless I watch the Nightly News as I began to do with Huntley and Brinkley. The NBC version has always seemed to me to be less biased and more journalistic than Dan Rather.

I am sure I will keep watching Brian Williams, although I do not feel the connection with him yet. I do admire Brokaw for leaving at his height to "give others their day." A somewhat selfless statement, I think. He is the epitome of small town boy made good, and he often beamed values even when they were not spoken on the air. His expression at the end of particularly difficult stories spoke volumes.

I will miss you, Tom.

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