Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Zoe Redux

I have recovered from Zoe fatigue enough to now process some of the wonderful things God gave me and others last weekend.

In Thursday's afternoon worship, Randy Harris spoke on the Secret of the Easy Yoke..."my yoke is easy and my burden light..."

He said we must find new ways to "dance with God." We do that by first laying all our burdens on the table to see what it is that God wants us to pick up. Then leave all the others there. In learning to dance we must:

1. Find rhythm (life rhythm) Like Ecclesiastes said, there is a time to sleep, a time to pray, a time to play, a time to work, etc. When we land on one of those too long or too much, we get out of rhythm. One of the truths Randy spoke was that wherever we find ourselves--God didn't get us there, probably pride got us there. For example, if we can't take off work to play or pray, we are saying we can do it better than anyone else, even God. Our balance depends on our humility, I guess. Don't you know someone who has no concept of rest or Sabbath because everything depends on her/him?

2. Develop new habits (new moves). With practice and repetition, we learn how to pay attention to God.

3. Then we can dance with God, letting Him lead. No matter how unskillful we are at the dance, he, the good leader, can guide us to that place where our burdens are light and the yoke is easy.

Good stuff.

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