Saturday, May 06, 2006

With the Girls

I spent a few hours with Ella and Maddie yesterday. Some of the things we did:

We ate Pop Tarts for breakfast.
Watched a Dora the Explorer video. I am amazed how much Spanish the girls are learning from Dora! Really more than I learned in my two years of college Spanish with a terrible teacher.

Played Duck, Duck, Goose. They had to teach me. Ella always wanted to be the "Ducker" as she called it.

Played "I Spy with my Little Eye" (Maddie's title)

They performed a piano recital for me and sang as they played. They would set up one of Brandon's worship piano books on the stand, and play and sing. What a treat. Maddie kept wanting me to play--a skill I never acquired.

Early morning just after Maddie got up, we were looking at a book and I was answering Maddie's questions about it and she said, "Nonnie, you are a great knower--you know so many things!"

Great Knower--I like that--sounds kind of like a librarian, doesn't it?

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