Monday, May 08, 2006

Requiem for West Wing

I am mourning the decision to pull West Wing from TV. The show was my favorite before the stupid producers fired Aaron Sorkin (the man who created the show). WW seemed to lose its way and its heart after the firing. The writing has been less literary and more "with it" since then. It was refreshing to hear a President quote great writers and philosophers and the Bible occasionally.

I guess another reason I liked the show is that there were (pure fantasy, I know) politicians in power who cared about helping people and bringing back honest government. The fact that the party in power was Democratic was even sweeter.

Had the producers kept Sorkin and eschewed moving the show around to every night in the week (so that viewers did not form the habit of watching), perhaps the show might be back next year.

The actors whom I had never seen before WW (except Martin Sheen) became household words and folks I loved to watch. Who can forget Sheen's secretary who died in an automobile crash, or Charlie who fell in love with President's daughter or Leo, the crusty, intelligent advisor to the President. And the night that the twins Huck and Mollie were born--but probably my favorite and the one many people I know prize was the episode at the secretary's funeral when the President cried out to God in sorrow in the cathedral.

Yes, I will miss it.

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