Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Small things

What are some of the small things we can offer as encouragement?

1. Live a positive life in word and in deed. "For every critical comment we receive, it takes nine affirming comments to even out the negative effect in our lives." Jim Burns That means we have to overcompensate. And we have to watch what we say to others, even in jest.

2. Read all the biblical passages about Barnabas. He was an encourager.

3. Stock on up on greeting and note cards AND SEND THEM. I have a friend who sits down every Sunday afternoon with the church bulletin and sends cards or notes to all those who are listed. Yes, it takes stamps and cards. Do without Cokes or lattes for a month and you can finance it.

4. Pass out hugs--I truly believe that hugging is a spiritual gift. Watch for those who look sad or isolated; for those you know who have had a bad week, for those whose speech betrays their lonliness. Widows, widowers, and the elderly are ripe candidates for hugs. Doering in her book The Power of Encouragement calls hugs "touches kindly spoken." Jesus touched people no one else wanted to.

5. Short phone calls to check on those who need to hear a kind voice. Takes only five minutes and spreads sunshine on the other end of the line.

6. Take someone out to eat. It doesn't have to be Mortons. It can be McDonalds.
What counts is the companionship. One of the best ways to deepen a friendship is by eating together. Someone once said, "Hospitality is not just the meal or the bread, it is the message of the value of the person's worth you give her." Hospitality is one of those disciplines listed by Richard Foster and others.

7. Tend the garden of your own heart. Strive to read and listen to positive messages--change radio stations if you have to. As you listen to the news each night (which is always a downer) list all the people you can pray for. This doesn't mean you have to be a Pollyanna--just a Christian.

Start with the people you love and branch waaay out.

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