Monday, July 12, 2004

We are all His Children

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! I John 3:1

In regard to Mike Cope's recent blog on women in worship ( to which he got 100 responses--looks like people want to talk about that!), I have to go on record to say:

I am delighted and blessed to be part of a body which has decided women can serve in worship and elsewhere. I respect and admire our elders and staff who had the courage to study the topic (separately and with all the congregation) and the determination to follow through on what the several-year study concluded. All too often such studies are relegated to the bottom of a file cabinet drawer.

The study was arduous and broad-based, covering both sides of the issue adequately. Not all agreed with the conclusions. However, I think we have all been amazed with how easily women have slipped in without any fanfare or spotlights and how they now continue to do what they have always done--serve the church gracefully and humbly.

Gal. 3:28. Thank you Lord.

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