Monday, July 26, 2004


There are things that I never yearn for, nor do I wish to participate in:     Chocolate-----Swimming-----Piercings( I was 40 years old before I had my ears pierced!)-----the sports page of the newspaper-----Trendy clothes-----TV sit coms or comedies-----German food-----R-rated movies (Unless they star Denzel Washington) -----Most of contemporary fiction (best-sellers)-----Michael Moore's propaganda and "documentaries"-----Queer Eye for the Straight Guy-----"Spiritual terrrorists" (term coined by BST)-----Any contemporary music ( rock, pop, or poop)-----Gossip or hearsay( what a strange word)-----"politics" within academics, society  or church-----rushed, harried days and nights in which God appears only incidentally-----Dear Lord, please help me everyday  to sort my priorities with you in prayer.

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