Friday, November 28, 2008

November, 2008 Memories

There are many Novembers I remember, especially the one of my marriage in 1962. But this month's memories are very special:

Maddie's Thanksgiving Program: There is something very patriotic in seeing the 3rd generation don Pilgrim costumes and singing "America the Beautiful." I remember doing that and reading a poem in my second grade program.

The Thomas Thanksgiving Production: When the children spend the night last Monday, they performed their own Thanksgiving program. A big box with a round hole on each side and two large kitchen spoons (oars) became the Mayflower. Pilgrim Ella rowed . Every now and then, she would put her hand to her forehead looking for land and eventually she said, "Land ho!" Indian Sam, in a paper vest decorated with pictographs and a feather head dress, sat in the box and said, "We come for food." Pilgrim Maddie wrote, produced, and narrated wearing a fringed vest made at school. One of my fondest memories!!!

Maddie's lost tooth: this is a big step in the growth process, and it looks like several of the bottom teeth will follow quickly. Of course, Sheryl and Brandon made this event a big one with glitter and cash.

Decorating the tree: The children also helped me decorate my Christmas tree. Flinging red, green and gold beads everywhere, hanging 3 ornaments on one branch often. Looking at the ornaments half-way up the tree, I could tell that they were getting taller. When we had hung the last ornament, they stepped back and said, "Nonnie, isn't this the most beautiful tree ever?" And it is.

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