Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Thoughts

David Fleer preached at Otter today with a new take on the tale of the prodigal son. I love it when someone opens my mind to a new idea about a story I have heard explained hundreds of times! He said the story indicates that the prodigal did not actually repent--just says he came to his senses in my version. I have always heard that explained as repentence, but actually he just was looking at his options and chose the best one. He did return to his father, but does that indicate repentance? I must do another study of repentance--is it required for God to welcome us? Hear, believe, repent, and be baptized was the mantra I grew up with. Does that hold true with this story? I don't know--like I said, I like new ideas and slants....makes me think. The other two parables in that chapter have the word repent in them, but this does not. Does God's grace require repentance before it can be granted or does it cover us "no matter what?" Otherwise what does
"unmerited favor" mean? Whew! I am just thankful that God allows questions.

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