Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Negative Self Talk

When I am in a group of women, I am always struck with how much negative self-talk occurs. Where does that come from?

The topics can range from physical looks to intelligence to daily life activities; the conclusions being that the person speaking does not measure up to others in any or all of these aspects.

The book we are studying in ladies class says over and over that God believes we are all beautiful and valuable. Yet it doesn't appear to sink in, even to believing, practicing Christians.

Why can't woman generally see themselves as formed by God and paid for with the blood of his Son? Why do we feel that we must put ourselves down? Pride is certainly a slippery sin, but I believe we owe it to our Creator to thank him for this hunk of dirt He made and is making, and to see it as a gargantuan opportunity to serve him in thankfulness and praise. After all, he formed us in the womb, and we are his Children. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" I John 3:1

May it's because we hesitate to encourage one another and to build each other up ( I think that is in the Bible). Me, I am going to practice self-esteem on me and my loved ones and friends until God says, "Come home."

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