Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Communication is such a difficult fragile thing. It is no wonder that universities offer degrees in it. I guess one could study it forever.

In order for communication to work, each party has to have open ears. The prophets and Paul stressed having open ears to hear what God was saying. In addition, there must also be open minds--minds which permit ideas to filter through; minds which flash at the instant when God connects. Minds which follow the communication with a Yes! Dino Basili has said, "The perfect journey is circular--the journey of departure and the joy of return." The same might be said of a conversation.

Communication breaks down when distrust exists and no hearing occurs. That's when the trouble begins. In the Psalms, David is constantly asking God to listen, even saying often that he is yelling to God. His lament in Psalm 31 is vey poignant ,"my life leaks away, groan by groan; my years fade out in sighs." But of course, God was listening always to him--it was David who had closed ears. Later David says in Psalm 34, "Is anyone crying for help? Yahweh is listening, ready to rescue you." (The Message). And he ends Psalm 56 with these glorious words, "God, you did everything you promised, and I'm thanking you with all my heart. You pulled me from the brink of death, my feet from the cliff-edge of doom. Now I stroll at leisure with God in the sunlit fields of life." (The Message)

We must listen in order to be able to stroll.

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