Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rucker funeral

I am so glad I chose to attend Ruth's funeral today. I learned a lot about Ruth and John and their family, about the Otter Creek Kindergarten, and watched four women (strong women like Ruth) conduct the service. Bernie Arnold sang as Ruth had asked her to do many years ago. Pat Ward detailed Ruth's association with OC Kindergarten telling several good stories. Sandy Collins did a wonderful eulogy (again with wonderful warm stories, and Carolyn Maddox told about her family's long time friendship with the Ruckers.

One of Carolyn's stories was about the time Ruth broke the "pants in worship (for women) code. Remember those days when only men could wear pants to church? Even if it was 10 degrees below and the wind was blowing! So glad those days are past.

Otter has been especially blessed to have several strong women who have smoothed the path to the 21st century. Ruth Rucker was one of them.

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