Friday, November 24, 2006


The days before holidays are called "eves", what are the days after called? Someone needs to coin a word.

We had a wonderful day yesterday--great food, fellowship (I lost at cards as usual), and memorable actions of the kids. They are growing so fast, I am mourning the maturing of their babyhood.

I am thankful for so many things--God and his wonderous gift, the seasons of the year, my Tennessee residency, my relative health (I am at least able to walk, talk and think), my family and friends and for these little things which someone invented to make my life easier:

toilet paper
paper towels
plastic storage containers
Ziplock bags
the Swiffer mop
automatic coffee pots,
polyester and all its blends which have rendered ironing passe
etc, etc.

Can you think of anything else?

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