Sunday, March 26, 2006


Praying to the God who made you is a scary thing sometimes--what a privilege! Richard Foster says that your relationship to God is often governed by your prayer life. Just as your relationship with others is often governed by the depth of your communication.

A prayer which has virtually changed my life is the prayer of examen. I have written about it before, but I could not help but mention it again in this series of thoughts about prayer. It is simply taking a moment to examine what your day has been like and to thank God for the good and pray for support to mend the bad. You ask, "What has been the best thing in my life today? and What has been the worst thing in my life today. Or When did I feel on top of the world today? or When did I feel lower than a snake today? You get the idea. It is in its best form when you share it with someone you love--like a family (a great idea for nighttime prayers)or a small group. But I do it at night before falling asleep and that paves the way for sweet dreams and a bright morning.

A good introduction to contemplation and meditation is the centering prayer. In this type of prayer, you select one word which sums for you the nature and being of God, and then single-mindedly focus on that word in silence. No you don't say Ommmm--you say, mercy, sacrifice, creator, father, etc.

Breath prayers are similar to the Jesus prayer and the centering prayer. In these prayers, you create for you a prayer which can be said in a single breath and use that as your "signature" prayer in your prayer time. Sample breath prayers might be Holy Spirit fill me. Father, show me your love. Be with me Lord; I cannot live without you (one of my favorites).

Sleep well in his love.

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