Sunday, March 19, 2006

The African Children's Choir

The African Children's Choir was at Otter Friday night. These 25 orphans from Uganda and Kenya serenaded and worshipped with us. The evening was a delight.

The choir travels all over the U. S. raising funds for their countrymen back home. The money is used to support orphanages, schools, scholarships, and to supply food and lodging for those in need. All the children we saw were happy, well-fed, and comfortable with their "job". Many of them come from homes where both parents have died. They were being raised by an older sibling. Some came from hand-to-mouth existences. These children are 8, 9, and 10 years old.

Their joy at singing about Jesus was infectious and so inspirational to watch. It was hard to look at them and not cry when one imagined what they came from and what they go back to each year when the tour is ended. But without exception, all declared they wanted to go home and "help". One of the leaders asked the children what they wanted to be when they grew up; replies included lawyer, teacher, social worker, farmer.

They have a new supporter in me, and I hope others who were there will support them too. If you are interested, go to

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