Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The last deadly sin

This last one can be found at the foreground of all the others I have discussed. It is self-absorption.

Since when did we (or I) become the most important person in the universe? The one whose busyness says look how important and valuable I am. The one too busy or important to bend to the poor. The one who excuses all sins and lies lightly; the one whose body must be perfect to match my mind. The one whose consumption of sex and other addictions embody my desires to feed my ego. The one whose race is the only one blessed by God. When did this happen?

Have you ever had the experience of talking to someone whose eyes are looking over your shoulder for someone more interesting than you? That's self-absorption.
Do you have friends or relatives who are imprisoned by technology (cell phones and e-mails)and are so afraid they will miss a call or message, they check the things obsessively? That's self-absorption. Have you ever heard anyone at church yell that any deviation from the norm is sin? Everything has to meet his guidelines. That's self-absorption.

Do you know anyone who is so self-absorbed she can't share her life with anyone else? There is no time for church, social activities or even just plain fun. All that matters is her agenda.

The seventh deadly sin will kill us slowly and painfully. As we fade out of the consciousness of those who are tired of our agendas and self-absorption, our life will be one of depression and loneliness.

Father, deliver me from these seven deadly sins and others which surround them. I want to fade into you and to become lost in your grace and your love.

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