Monday, October 17, 2005

What to do with doubt

I know several young men right now who are in the throes of doubt. It is not a pleasant place to be. Resting in God is so safe and comfortable, that when one slips out of it--not a happy place.

What can be said to these fine young men with young families? By the way, they are still holding on to a semblance by coming to church, which I think is a pretty courageous thing to do for the sake of their children. I don't know what to say to them except God is still watching and waiting with his arms wide open and his heart full of forgiveness. I did say to one yesterday that if one expects all questions to be answered, he is expecting something that will never happen. At age 67, I have at least learned that. Yet this whole situation tears at my heart--in prayer for them wholeheartedly.

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