Thursday, October 20, 2005

Book club

Our Otter Creek book club had its first meeting today--it was fun! We shared our thoughts on Philip Gulley's Home to Harmony. It got 5 stars all around. It is similar to the Mitford books, but I think better in many ways. For one thing, there are laugh- out-loud stories and characters in the book like Dale, the elder, who knew just enough Scripture to be annoying, but not enough to bring transformation, and or Bob, Sr. who created and led the Live Free or Die Sunday School class who left the church when the preacher called his hand on wanting everything his way. The minister later said, "...I recognized Bob's departure for what it was--a gift from the Lord." We know the people of the Harmony Friends Meeting tha Sam Gardner pastors--they live in our town and go to our church too.

The chapter called Roger and Tiffany recalls the Thanksgiving Sam and his parents spent with his brother and girlfriend. Seems Tiffany was a vegan. Sam's mother was worried that Roger had joined a cult. When the visitors discover that Thanksgiving dinner is to be macaroni without the cheese, small wormy apples(pestucide free) a plate of lettuce, a bowl of kiwi fruit and a glass of herbal tea, there is a quick trip to the store for a turkey breast, potatoes, cranberries and a 2 liter bottle of RC cola. Mom sits down with Tiffany and reads from Acts 10 "And Peter became hungry...." They all rose and ate, even Tiffany.

There are seven other Harmony novels I can't wait to tackle. What fun!

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