Saturday, August 04, 2007

Why People Don't Read

Pamela Satran has compiled a fanciful list of why people don't read in the August Writer's Digest. Some she lists are:

1. Everytime I walk into a Barnes and Noble, I get so overwhelmed that I just buy a latte and leave.
2. I spend the money I used to spend on books on lattes.
3. Everytime I start reading, my cell phone rings.
4. I've developed an allergy to ink and paper.
5. My new nail extensions make it difficult to turn pages.
6. I read a book last year and didn't like it, so I don't want to waste my money again.
7. I find I can just claim to have read something and impress people that way, because they haven't read anything either, so they won't know if I am faking it.
8. I'm in a book group, but we find it's find its more fun to gossip than to discuss books.
9. My television has 606 channels, and I have only gotten through 47 of them.
10. I just don't want to, all right?

I suspect that some of these are closer to the truth, than funny for some of us.

Why don't you read?

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