Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Aging and "Breaths"

Several weeks ago, I had a conversation with Maddie about relatives. She and Ella are still trying to figure out how that works--How can their daddy be my son? etc.

She asked if I fed Brandon the "way Mommy fed Sam"? and then she quickly added, "Nonnie, where are your "breaths"?

Newton didn't need the apple to study gravity, all he had to do was to watch the human body aging--eyelids, throat "wattles",
"breaths", abdomen, etc.

Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 80th birthday--regarding body changes, she said there were many every her breasts: "They seem to be in a race to see which one will reach my waist first."

The audience laughed until it cried. I cry when I watch gravity--not really--just so glad to still be here!

Thank you God for laughter.

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