Monday, June 25, 2007

Mighty Verbs

I have been reading in the Psalms for the past few weeks--such a wonderful exercise of growth. Reading about Israel in Ps. 106 who "exchanged their Glory for an image of a bull which eats grass, and who were bent on rebellion, I went on to read in Ps. 107 about the rescues of God toward this grumbling nation: Notice the verbs throughout: he redeemed, gathered, delivered, led, satisfies, fills the hungry, saves, brought them out of darkness, broke away their chains, breaks down gates of bronze, cuts through bars of iron, saves, rescued them from the grave, stilled the storm, guided them, blessed them, lifted the needy, increased their families........

Lord, will you throw a few of these verbs toward our nation which is bent on destroying the good inherent in its past. Bless us as we bow down to a big box full of flickering images, as we arrogantly peddle our "better" way of life to other countries, as we forget your blessings of the past, as we try to remake others in our image, as we gather things and make them more important than you. as we forget, as we forget....

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