Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Words, words, words

If you have been following Phil's and Brandon's blogs, you have seen words, words, words. Inflammatory words like liberal, conservative, progressive, political, etc.
As I was being trained for debate in high school, my coach told us never to use such words because they can never be successfully defined and because they are inflammatory. In using them, the debater loses the message he/she is wishing to push.

I would much rather have seen those bloggers who wrote debating the practice of sabbath (which was the majority of Winner's message on Saturday morn.) Commands to observe sabbath far outweigh commands to be baptized and to sing (not play). Our perfunctory observance of quietness and silence before God betrays our inmost being.
We would rather be discussing liberalism, etc. Zoe in its desire for renewal always offers alternative thinking and options to those who attend its conferences. Renewal can come in so many different ways. May the thrust for seeing the poor and for bringing those trapped in same-sex attraction out of the pit continue as we search for better ways to be Christ in this world.

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