Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This past weekend was a surfeit (I have always wanted to use that word) of riches:
Selah on Friday night, the musical Big River at the Boiler Room Theater on Saturday and the Glory Bugles on Sunday night.

We were very pleasantly surprised at the Big River production--some excellent actors. The theater does amazing things with its tiny stage. The singers were almost as good as the ones in the ACU production when Brandon was one of "The Boys".
I love the music in this play--it was a very special night.

What can one say about the Glory Bugles? If you have ever enjoyed Smoke on the Mountain or the Sanders Family Christmas; if you enjoy satire and irony at the expense of all you have loved and obeyed in the past; if you like Garrison Kellor's stuff, then you would love the Glory Bugles. What a fun-filled evening! Knowing that half the team belonged to Bernie Arnold made the event even more special. And the Wayne Reed Center benefitted too. Loved it.

Thank you God for the talented artists you have given us to enjoy. May we always think to glorify you for all your gifts to us.

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