Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Steeplechase and Hats

Tomorrow is the running of the Iroquois Steeplechase here--evidently a big thing.
Similar to the Derby, all the people in box seats dress up--meaning new spring outfits and hats, hats, hats. Hats have been featured in several noon news broadcasts this week.

My Granny Tucker loved hats; she had one for every outfit. I wish I still had some of them. My mother liked to wear hats too, although I rarely saw her in one because most of our budget went for more mundane things. She did wear a hat to my brother's wedding, I remember. At any rate, I remember going with my Mom to Abilene one Easter season hat shopping. We went to the Mode O'Day shop on Pine Street and tried on every hat in the place. I had never had a "Sunday hat," but I left that day with a beautiful pink gauzy hat trimmed with a flower that matched my new Easter dress. Every time I wore it, I felt very Audrey Hepburnish and adult. I am sure it cost way too much of the monthly family budget and that makes it very special in my memory.

I don't think I have worn a hat since that year when I joined the hat tradition of the women in my family.

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