Monday, May 16, 2005

Liminal moment

In speaking about rituals and traditions in family life yesterday, I quoted some from Robert Fulghum's book From Beginning to the End: The Rituals of Our Lives. I have had the book seven years and never looked at it much until this past week. It is chock full of wisdom, great emotional stories and comments which make "stops" in your mind.

I learned a new word too--"liminal" meaning threshold moment. This is a moment of crossing over, a transitional phase of personal change. We must all take care to celebrate those liminal moments in the lives of our family--and we must make time to do it--that was the main thrust of my speech. Birthday, funerals, weddings we all understand; but there are others we miss. In Habits of a Child's Heart: Raising Your Kids with the Spiritual Disciplines, the author says we should also celebrate things like the first tulip of spring (certainly a threshold moment when the weather has been rainy and cold for months!), the smile of a baby (another liminal moment for parents), and the blessings of God like a pillow for our heads, hot running water, etc. I had forgotten that one of the final chapters in Richard Foster's book Celebration of Disciplines is about celebration.

These days we are celebrating high school graduation. If you did not do that in your church, read Mike Cope's blog today. The blessing of 48 seniors as they leave the warm environs of their home church is certainly warrented and is a big! threshold moment in their lives.

Thank you Lord for those of us who take the time to celebrate with children. May we celebrate you every day!

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