Monday, May 02, 2005

The Boyds

I had my first visitors from Abilene Friday! Jack and Joann Boyd, longtime friends from Minter Lane, came to see their son Allen and family and stopped by my house on the way.

What a delight! Jo and I were young mothers at Minter under the tutelage of Laura Smith, Dama Hambelton and Sister Hunter. We did worship committee together, formed a book club, which is still meeting, and shared those days in great joy. She sat with me as I waited from my mother come out of surgery to see if her melanoma had spread (it had); we often had long deep talks on things spiritual; Sam and I taught their children in Sunday School, and I think Sam and Jack served as elders at the same time.

Jack is a Renaissance man who can do anything from conducting an orchestra to growing tomatoes. He writes music, fiction, humor, plays, etc. He was the worship man at Minter through our term there, and we all learned so much from him. There were days at Highland when the worship leader would ask members to go to the hymnal because the song might be unfamiliar--My friends Ronnie and Darla and I would look at each other and say, "We know that; thanks to Jack Boyd." Jack would often go through the hymnal and teach the congregation unfamiliar songs which fit perfectly with the day's topic. It was he who taught us that the service should be cohesive and not just three songs and a prayer. One little known talent is his gift for book reviewing--he joined the Minter Lane Book Club several years ago and has enriched it.
Besides all that, he is a funny man who makes me laugh.

They brought a touch of home with them which lingered when they left--thanks Jack and Jo for stopping by.

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