Saturday, November 19, 2011


"A wistful yearning for something past"  says the dictionary.  I have been a little nostalgic this week of Brandon's birthday and my 49th wedding anniversary.

I drove out to our old house in Potosi to see how the red maple we planted in front of the house is doing--it is beautiful.  It turns red from the inside out--green leaves around the trunk and gorgeous flaming red leaves in front.  Wish I had one here.

Sam would have been amazed at the change on Potosi Road--so many housing additions.  He used to say that he bet a mall would one day be near our house. So far it is only a convenience store and a fire station, but he may be right with all the people around.

I, however, am so glad to be living in town a little closer to things.  And I do have other trees in my backyard to look at--an old gnarled mesquite, some fruit trees, including a fig tree and others I can's identify.  When God created, he went all out to do trees of all varieties.  One that I am missing here is the magnolia tree (one I call the Christmas leaf tree since all Southerners use them for mantel and mail box decorations).  I know they must grow in Abilene; I just have not seen one yet.

Christmas is stealthly entering my house and brain.  I am playing Christmas music in the car and living room and making lists because the time seems so short between Thanksgiving and Christmas!

My favorite time of the year!!!

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