Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Mind of a Teacher

Does the mind of a teacher ever stop? Are there times when the synapses just turn off and nothing rolls around in the head?

In my case, the answer is no. When I encounter someone with a problem or a question which can be met with literature, music or quotation, I can usually think of one that will fit--even if the answer is Alice is Wonderland. These days, however, I cannot usually think of all the title, all of the song, who wrote the book or who said what. I do know there is an answer lurking out there somewhere.

For example, before this morning's sermon by Michael Easeley at Fellowship Bible, a woman read Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken. The sermon was on Psalm 1, and the poem fit very aptly there, as it fits several theological contexts which my mind started racing toward as the poem was being read--Abraham and Mary of Bethany, etc.

I am happiest when I am thinking such things and trying to make the fireworks in my brain continue to burn.

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