Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fun days

I have spent the last two days with Maddie and Ella--Maddie on Tues. and Ella today. What a blast!

Maddie is getting so big that we actually have real conversations now--she is so interested in things creative. And she always has to find something in my drawers to give as a gift to Sheryl. She loves wrapping packages, writing in cards, and sharing her love. Love that!

Ella is so different, but just as much fun. We played restaurant, had a tea party, and played with an old Playschool Village that belonged to Brandon. It has been a long time since someone told me "Pretend that...."

With both girls, we revisited a little history. The cedar chest of Sam's mother (Mow) holds family treasures that I am keeping because I can't bear to get rid of them. One is the ancient hearing aid (acutally a long, hollow hose) that belonged to Sam's great-grandfather. Maddie found Poppy's (Sam's) harmonica and was very taken with it. She wants one for her birthday, but it has to be pink. Don't know if such a harmonica exists. There was also a "juice" harp there. Sheryl had to show us how to play that.

Today Ella and I went through the antique dresser in my foyer. There we found Brandon's baby shoes, his Levi jacket, and his Cub Scout shirt.

There were also three of his blankets and pajamas there. Ella wanted to take one of the blankets home, but she forgot it. The one she liked best was Brandon's favorite--blue with very worn edges. Good memories.

Thanks girls for two good days.

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